Content Marketing Strategy - As A Way To Differentiate Your Brand

Irrespective of the fact whether you own a large business company or an up-and-coming startup, a well-defined Content Marketing Strategy holds immense potential for transforming the way you conduct business in almost all aspects. When it comes to comparing two brands of the same category or industry, customers' only way of doing so is through the Content Marketing associated with both the products. According to various reports and surveys conducted by the experts in the field of Digital Marketing and content marketing, somewhere around only 22% of the brands remain satisfied with their content's conversion rates and 61% of them are of the view that their organic online presence holds much more importance and is, therefore, the topmost priority. The conclusion, which we can draw from all this is that most of the businesses across the globe approach a content marketing strategy without a well-defined plan on how to differentiate their brands from the competitors. So, let's make ourselves familiar with how you can achieve your goals with the help of a well-planned content marketing strategy, and in turn, increase your business' conversion rates, engagement, and traffic.

Start by Defining your Industry Niche

In the present highly competitive business environment, trying to attract every other stakeholder out there won't work at all - no matter how widely spread appeal your products or services may have. Therefore, it is essential to have a clearly-defined profile of your customer or client base in terms of their lifestyle, habits, gender, age, profession, likes, and dislikes. Besides, defining your niche within the field or industry you operate in with precision - is of utmost importance, as well. Keeping your business or company aligned within a specific category or industry will help you in attracting stakeholders, and shall further open all the possibilities of increasing your prices due to product exclusivity.

Go Ahead with Defining your Brand Goals

After having your product or service portfolio in place, it is time for you to define your business company's vision, values, goals, and experience. At an initial stage, all these elements might seem to a little irrelevant, but eventually, they will allow your customers or clients to identify and associate themselves with what you do. In terms of digital marketing, the only thing that separates one company from the other includes the culture and vision they cultivate. So, allow your target audience to draw parallels between themselves and your offerings to achieve the ultimate objective of differentiating your brand from the rest and making it stand out from the industry.

Try to Set Visual Brand Standards

One can never deny the fact that behind every successful brand, there lie well-defined and implemented company standards and visual styles. In competitive markets, company standards help in differentiating a brand from the others in the same industry or category and can often either make or break your Marketing Efforts or online presence. Therefore, it is essential to focus on the colors, images, or graphics you associate with your brands while promoting them or for advertisement purposes. Your brand's visual standards should include a logo, a catchy slogan, a standardized color palette, along with several other design elements, which will be a part of your overall content marketing strategy.

Don't Forget to Create a Social Media Presence

In terms of interactivity and approachability, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, to name a few, have always proved to be great communication channels. By creating dedicated profiles on such platforms, you can reach out to more people who may or may not be familiar with your brand's entity or business service portfolio. You can share blog posts, opt for live sessions, host quizzes, and giveaways, and answer community questions for differentiating your brand from the competition.

Never Stop Analyzing and Tracking your Content

Any strategy of content marketing is usually incomplete without active performance tracking and analysis. Specifically designed platforms like Google Analytics collect in-depth data corresponding to your content's performance. It will quickly allow you to determine whether your Marketing Strategy is working or not and also provide solutions for you to do better in the future. Once you are aware of the elements that aren't working as intended, you can either eliminate them or build upon the foundations confidently. Hence, make sure to measure the results and find out how the public responds to your marketing strategies, services, products, and messages conveyed.


Differentiating your brand from your arch competitors in the industry is a pretty straightforward concept, provided your goals and mission statement are well-defined and implemented correctly. Copying content marketing elements from others won't do any good as the B2C and B2B stakeholders will get to know about it. So, put in efforts to carve out your identity and build a positive image through original ideas and content.

