Importance of video marketing for your Business

In the last few years, there is a paradigm shift from content marketing to video marketing. In 2005, when YouTube came into existence, it opened floodgates of the video content to the masses. From comedians to rappers, stars are born on YouTube. This led to a surge in other video presentation and marketing platform, like Vine and Snapchat. 
Video marketing provides opportunities for business to stimulate and appeal the customer's needs in a real and credible way. Here’s why video marketing is important for business growth?

Video Marketing


A business brand is not a stagnant strategy scribbled on a piece of paper as it must bring the brand to life. Video content acts as electroshock therapy to the dying marketing strategies by generating the pulse. As a brand continuously evolves with time, creating video content is a great way to connect with the audience and to engage with the new potential clients.

In other words, a video is capable of doing what text doesn’t. It fabricates an instant, genuine and authentic interaction route and connection with clients, who can provide comments and feedback in real-time.

Word-of-mouth is still a very effective marketing strategy as consumers trust the experience of older consumers, before finally purchasing any product or service. This way a business can build trust by directly communicating with the old clients via videos to establish a pure connection.

It is found in a study that 91% of the clients will reward the business for their genuineness and will share the brand with relatives. Around 62 percent of consumers will likely to buy from the brand that authentically asserts itself.

It is time for every business around the world to evolve with the changing marketing landscape or else perish slowly. Many surveys have predicted that by 2019, 80% of the online content will consist of video marketing. And the mobile consumption of video content will continually surge by 100% per year. 

Consider the below statistics for better understanding:

  • 92 % of videos browsed on mobile devices are shared as compared to other devices.
  • Consumers retain 95% of the information communicated via videos, while 10% of information is retained through reading.
  • Companies deploying video strategies experience a whopping increase of 41% in the web traffic as compared to those who are not utilizing the video content?
  • According to 51.9% marketing experts, video content yields a better return on investment than any other marketing strategy.

How your business is going to use these figures in devising a content marketing strategy? Which social media network should you focus? Clients connect with the following percentage of video content daily: 49% on Facebook, 24% on Instagram, 32% on YouTube, 22% on Twitter and Snapchat.


Though marketing of video content grows proportionally, classic marketing strategies and problems remain pertinent. Where do the clients hang out online? Which social media platform will best serve to your purpose for video marketing?

Will business grow the client’s interest by running stories on Facebook or not?
Users upload over 300 hours of video content hourly on the YouTube-the granddaddy of video content. However, Facebook is also soaring high through streaming the video content. It is important to note that almost 49% of Users engage through video streaming on Facebook.

Never discount the importance of aligning your brand with the best social media platform. This will help in resonating your brand among consumers, and you will also fish in the right pond for the clients you intended your goods and services in the first place.

So, don’t be afraid of doing experiments with marketing strategies. Whatever approach you follow, but make sure you are honest and transparent with your clients. A business’s authenticity is indispensable to make it stand out and drive consumer.
